Friday 17th of March — Sneaking into the sex gallery

Connor Jack Curlewis
3 min readDec 7, 2020

A day spent at the studio was lovely. After having a meeting with the heckling animal rights team I showed a few people my music videos for Drean Drip. I then left with Colin and Alonso for a bit of a pick me up in Albert Park. I had arranged to see Michael and he joined us around 4pm, I was observing some adversarial tendencies in Colin that I disliked and was happy when he left us. Michael then told me that he was planning on breaking up with Gabby. We discussed this, while a woman took leave of her bladder a few feet away, calling up to us not to look. We then moved on as I needed to use the lavatory systems of Albert Park also. We happened across Matt, Patricia and a guy with dreadlocks I didn’t know. We talked for a while and I let them in on the news. Later in the evening Michael told me of a great sense of composure that he witness within me at this point, apparently some statements had passed that could have been awkward but I carried through. We then left in search of a bathroom and Michael suggested the art gallery.

Upon approaching we could see it was closed, they were turning people away at the door and in the air such claims as “It’s 5 o’ clock” and “galleries closed!” were made.

I saw three people moving briskly towards the doors, one of which holding a tripod, I slid in behind these people who told the guards they were part of the media team. In the bathroom I met Michael who said he would meet me outside, I think that we both thought there was someone in the cubicle so we limited our conversation as we knew we were out of bounds. I didn’t follow Michael outside however and perched myself opposite a blue suited man on a red settee. This was Jonathon, “his excellency” the high commissioner from the Tate in the UK. We talked briefly and he didn’t ask me why I was sitting with him. I noticed the elevator was open and after a few moments of deliberation I sprinted over and put my hand between the doors as they shut. I came inside, apologizing to the girls I found in there, keeping silent I followed them into the exhibition, only speaking to agree with a steward who asked if I was with the media.

When I entered I saw a man and a woman standing in front of a semi circle of people, about fifty strong. The exhibition itself was centred around the history of sexual art. I listened to the two speakers, I found they had little to say that was profound, but on occasion would alert me to things I had not seen in the paintings and provided facts that could not be extracted from the art pieces themselves. As they went into the next room I paused for a while looking at a piece, one with a woman, a simple painting of nakedness in a bathtub. I looked behind me and was startled to find that I was one of the last, startled but victorious. I caught up to a group of ladies and introduced myself, immediately obvious it was that Olivia was most interested in me and I told her subsequently that I had snuck into the exhibition, to her great glee. She was hosting the event and told me that if someone asked I should tell them that I was a student writer, I told her yes, I was a writer.

We moved on and I enjoyed the pleasure that I found in being part of this select sect of people who were privileged to see these incredible pieces first, before the thousand strong hoard of so called elites waiting outside.

